Apparently he is just what the doctor ordered. When students learned that Hill Harper was billed as our unofficial Black History Month Keynote speaker the responses fell into one of three categories:
1. Hill who?
2. Well, he is Obama's homeboy and he does write books so it should be interesting.
3. OMG, girl! I cannot wait! Hill Harper is sooooo cute.
Turns out that the chosen auditorium was almost too small as students and Phoenix residents (from categories 2&3) filed in to hear what the Hollywood actor had to say to about - whatever it is Hill Harper talks about.
Turns out, Hill Harper believes in the power of hard work, positive thinking, and perseverance. His address to the listeners was full of advice on how to attach purpose to their actions in order to achieve their career and personal goals. Of course, there is the tricky issue of thinking that you can advise people on how to live their lives based on how you live your own (he is an Ivy League scholar, a network TV star, with pretty impressive friends, to boot). Usually not the best route for longevity and general appeal (read: Steve Harvey giving relationship advice). But Hill Harper seems wise enough to know that he is only a single voice in the conversation between the reader and the author, the speaker and the listener. That's probably why he encourages people to apply their own experiences when considering how to interepret his lectures and publications (read: The Conversation). All in all, not a bad choice.
Of course their was a slight tinge of wackness when it came to a select group (and I use this particular term very deliberately) of women who chose to use this Black History Month event as a time to stargaze. Ladies, as it relates to panty tossing - whether you do it literally or whether you sit in an audience and sigh, and drool, or run to the stage to take pictures or attempt to start a first date conversation at the autograph table - there is a time and a place for everything. He's not Ronald Isley - a man for whom panty tossing is quite appropriate when he is working. It's Hill Harper. An actor? Yes. An attractive man? Sure. A man for whom panty-tossing is appropriate when he is speaking to an audience of students? Nope.
That's our take. If you weren't there you should have been.
Next week
Pop Quiz: where can you find young, urban, down to earth people who know how to chill and just have a good time? Icon Status Entertainment at the Aloft.
They are having Game Night at the Aloft on Thursday March 11, 2010. If you were at their Sweet Escape, you already know. If you weren't there better be in the place this time so you can get your "Grown Man/Woman" on!

In the meantime, you got plently of options so stay clear of tha club!
ABTC Girls